
The future of fireworks in Sioux City to be discussed in council meeting today

Sioux City Police Dispatch has logged 211 calls for Fireworks complaints in the last 30 days compared to 80 during the same timeframe in 2016. This includes people using them outside times allowed, shooting them at traffic, shooting them from moving vehicles, throwing them at people and animals, using them in unsafe ways and overall annoyance of them.

Fire and EMS scanner traffic has indicated at least 3 people in Metro Sioux City have received major hand injuries related to fireworks and there have been numerous other injuries and fires started from fireworks in the Siouxland area.

Mayor Bob Scott took to Facebook last week to convey his plans for suggesting Sioux City Ban Fireworks or at the minimum shrink the timeframes where they are allowed to be used. This after receiving numerous complaints. His post has received more than 500 comments and 200 shares.

Fireworks are dangerous explosives and when not used properly can cause traumatic injury including death. Their name and visual they provide explain they can be a fire hazard. Their side effects and many peoples draw to them, the bang cause havoc to people and pets.

Citations for fireworks violations are almost impossible to impose because an officer has to witness the actual violation, not the end result but the lighting or get an admission that a violation had taken place. Even this year with special fireworks enforcement officers it’s a non-stop cat and mouse game for law enforcement wasting valuable police resources.

Do you think Fireworks restrictions in Sioux City should be expanded or restricted further? Do you think your opinion and rights are more important than those that you disagree with? What's the right answer?

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